Powering through the last 3.5 hours on interstates 95, 26, and 526, three of the 8 Williamsons currently in South Carolina arrived at 1124 Duneside Lane, approximately 11:00 pm, a good hour behind our estimated arrival time. True, part of the delay was a little backtracking for the almost-forgotten lefse that my roommate and I so dilligently made, whilst taking shots of stoli vanilla the night before we parted ways. But as my sister always says, "It just wouldn't be Christmas if we didn't have to turn the car around." Too true, too true.
In any case, I awoke this morning at a very decent hour (10:00) to find that there were no groceries in the house, save 6 tins of cookies (a decided dearth compared to years past), the lefse, and some old apples that we just *had* to bring from home. Luckily, the food situation was easily remedied, as was my non-wired status. How fortunate that the other Williamson cousins are even more technological geeks than I. We definitely had a debate this afternoon, when I got back from my beach run, about Macs vs. the PC. I love our family. So here I sit, post ALIAS rerun and pasta dinner, at Richard's new laptop (16 inch screen, it's O-O-C), clicking away on the dialup connection while Spain pictures are being broken out in front of the fireplace. I guess I had better go narrate =).