Another winter break comes to a close, now that I'm back in the HCA apartment. On the roommate's suggestion, I took a few hours to rearrange my room. Arms are most definitely not used to heavy lifting/pushing. This winter break saw several unexpected windfalls (is that redundant? I think windfalls are inherently surprising), most conspicuously two things: the flaming van is now parked under several inches of snow on hannum drive. Yes, I know that I'm probably going to get ticketed but dammit, it's icy. In short, I'm mobile in Haverford now. Manayunk, here we come. Secondly, as a corrolary to my driving expedition, the parents sponsored a mobile phone for my very own personal use. I am very excited and have been calling my nearest and dearest to experiment with said technological advance. Good times.
Speaking of good last week at home that was supposed to be "productive," "boring" and "uneventful" all of a sudden turned into a great deal of fun, beginning on Sunday when I found out that the compañera de cuarto was trekking from New Hampshire to Charleston and was looking for lodging. So Teal made it South on Monday afternoon, whilst I was stripping paint off of the front of the van in the positively balmy 67 degree weather. How great is that?!?! We took a leisurely drive to 72nd street and went for a walk on the beach in the middle of January. After a little catching up over my corked pinot grigio, we headed downtown (all prettied up, claro) to Havana for mojitos before a fantastic sushi dinner on Granby Street. By 9:30 pm, us party girls were pooped, and collapsed immediately in bed.
Without a stop in the action, the very next day the great Amanda Eve returned to the beach, so of course girly martinis down at Crackers were in order. Girl talk over chocolate mint cocktails, and being complimented by the quasi-punk waiter (he liked my purse, and Mandi's rather...uh, expressive cartoon shirt) just about made my day. Fun continues on Wednesday with more girlie activities including but not limited to: the new Mandy Moore movie, lattes, cooking, shopping and the O.C.
Starting to feel that back to school vibe kick in, it was decided upon that Friday night was to be our night on the town complete with bubblicious-colored 4 inch stilettos (on Mandi's feet, not mine). Plans were made, goals set, and faces painted. Off to Granby Street, ladies! Dancing was done, drinks were purchased on our behalf =), and the midnight oil was much so that our evening didn't end until 4:30 in the Warren kitchen making egg and english muffin sandwiches. Pulled in to the driveway at 5:15, and fell asleep in my makeup with the cat on my arm and a slight grin on my face. Way to go for sobering (literally) political debates with Texans; can open, worms everywhere.
So it's snowing here now, and after my 6 hour drive I'm about tuckered out. I think it's time for sleepytime.