The tic in my left eye is back. Mailed out my registration for the Pittsburgh glass workshop, faxed the financial aid, actually went to my tutorial sessions AND class today. I'm getting back on track, so even if I can't seem to organize large sections of my writing, at least I'm, as Dave suggested, "back in thesis mode."
This means late nights in the SciLi, curt phone conversations about summer plans with the parents, cleaning my room 'cause it's so dusty I can't concentrate, and slow stress-relieving runs. Did I mention opening night of "Thirteen going on Thirty" with Kaitlyn tonight? She's such the slacker ever since I got an email saying
let's go get pizza. i'll drive. i'll buy you a cookie.
p.s. i turned in my thesis.
Is everyone conspiring to make me procrastinate? Sedley called yesterday to say he was *going out of town for the weekend*. who does that? who leaves town the weekend before ALL of your advisees' theses are due? Whatever, man, I'm just about fed up with this damn thing, so it's not like it matters anyway. I guess I should get back to "work" now that I've re-potted the orchid, done the dishes for the first time in over a week, and vacuumed my floor.
Woo hoo thesis mode.