Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Ah, sweet spring in Philadelphia


Yeah, so four days ago I was running on the beach in shorts and a t-shirt, and it's been SNOWING for two days now. There is something really wrong with this, if no more than I can't deal with the prospect of more winter.

I know I've been rather neglectful of the blog lately, but the week before break was crazy, and I spent most of break avoiding electronic communication because I knew it would just remind me of the work that I wasn't doing for school. That said, the whole time was pretty damn good up until the end, when being in the same house as my under-the-weather parents made me want to start gnawing off my own limbs. So I left =).

The week started out in quite the flurry of travel. on Thursday night D. and I drove down the Eastern Shore to the glamorous Va Beach. Mom greeted us with hors d'ouvres and told me that I was making dinner. Gee, thanks for the warning. I guess I shouldn't bitch about a beautiful fillet of rockfish waiting for me, it was just funny. After laundry, unpacking, re-packing, little sleep, and about 10 hours, we shipped off on Friday morning to San Diego.

In spite of the reasons for the trek, it was nice. The memorial services were well done, and it was good for the whole family to be together. I also finally got to see California, and figured out why so *damn* many people want to live there.

1. it's beautiful and sunny
2. it's full of beautiful, sunny, fashion conscious people
3. all the beautiful people drive beautiful (or trendy cute) cars
4. when you're that beautiful, and the weather's that beautiful, you can be in a bathing suit all the time and become even more bronzed and beautiful on the beach.

Needless to say, I in my whiteness screamed out "You don't belong here!"

Red-eye flights s-u-c-k, as I realized while curled up on the floor of the Atlanta airport circa 6:30 am Monday morning, still over an hour from our 8:30 flight with flourescent lights blaring and airport CNN ringing in my head. Mandi entertained D. while I was gone, and he came to meet the 3 Williamsons at Norfolk bearing tragic news.

Not. Turns out it was just that a tree had fallen on our car, but he looked pretty worried about telling my parents. It's not like it's his fault! Anyway, that was resolved with little trauma and the rest of his trip was less stressful, I hope. OBX on Tuesday, and then he was out of there on Weds. [Sadness].

Finished up the week gloriously with Mandi, performing the prerequisite stop by Things Unlimited, the best thrift store EVER, hands down. Pink leather skirt. 70's sweaters. Tennis skirts from soccer moms. Bought a suit for the ominously approaching TFA interview (which went pretty decently, in spite of the FUCKING SNOW), and even managed to get a little bit of work done when I wasn't watching movies and working on the car. And by 'working' I mean more fucking up the work I did over the summer.

On my hot, hot Saturday Night, I drove north up the shore, stopping for cheap alcohol (yet to be consumed, darn it) while still in good ol' Virginnie. Glassblowing on Sunday , combined with freaking out about TFA, and hot hot new Alias. It is now my duty to recover from my complete lack of activity the past two days, and utter the common sentiment among seniors everywhere (writing theses or not) "I think I'm fucked."

Time is moving rather fast, and although my parents like to remind me that graduation is a few short months away, I'd like those to be a little slower so that I can get stuff done. Glassblowing also continues, now that I've rearranged the tutorial sessions to accommodate the [woo hoo!] intermediate class on Wednesday nights. With this newly accelerated space-time continuum going on, I feel as though I haven't made enough time to spend quality hours with some important people, those I live with, among others...but it will be the weekend soon, the time of rest and relaxation.
