Thursday, April 15, 2004

Palpitations I just found my copy of Ficciones. which had fallen off my bookshelf and behind my desk. There would have been some *serious* repercussions if I'd lost all 5 Borges stories that I'm writing about for my thesis with NOTES all at once.

It's been raining so damn much around here that I was so confused when I woke up this morning to blinding sunlight. I really thought that it was my 4.5 hours of sleep which was making my eyes hurt, not the emergence of the sun for the first time in about 5 days. There was a moment on Tuesday night I believe, after a storm, when I walked out of the apartment at night, had my hair swirled around by the wind, and looked up to see airbrushed clouds whisked away from a deep, sparkly starry night. It was so cinematic that I took a double-take. That's good shit.

The tesis de castellano is almost done, awaiting a bibliografia final and the last round of grammar corrections from Graciela. I've also decided that I'm treating myself to a springform pan in which Dulce de leche Cheesecakes will be made as gifts of appreciation. Mmmm, cheesecake.

In the meantime, I'm freaking tired and am considering napping instead of going for a run. Glassblowing r-o-c-k-s, and yay for *real* artists as teachers. Chris Lydon is going to be famous in the glass world someday. SoHo pizza also r-o-c-k-s; had a hedonistic moment standing in front of the annealers eating a slice of fresh spinach and ricotta. Mmmm, pizza.

Can't think, can't type, can't do any more work. Sleep.