Tuesday, August 24, 2004


surly students, desk thrown at me, racial slurs, upperclassmen stalking my class, morning with the police (no, i will NOT press charges), tears, "CRACKER," more ID pictures, students grabbing stuff from me, my desk, more referrals, 20 hall passes signed, 120 7-digit codes, "you can't handle the lesson I had planned for today," what grade are you in?, "nobody respects you in this class 'cause you don't yell enough," that is inapppropriate, that is disrespectful, leave. my. class. now! After school 'visits' after hours, official observtions, sunshine state standards, gradebooks, and administrative checklists. The copy machine is broken, Miss.


more tears. wine, nutella, then more work to do tonight: school starts bright and early.

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