Tuesday, December 09, 2003


estudiante 1: "Y como vamos a a ser evaluado este semestre?"
profe: "con mucho cariño"
estudiante 2: "con mucho vino"

Went out to dinner last night, c/o the Haverford College Spanish Department with the rest of the Senior Sem peeps. It was so fun to hang out with the majors for a while, speak Spanish, and eat a nice meal at Mikado. Green tea icecream, sushi, and a good debate about Haverford College pedagogy and awkwardness. Apparently, the professors are all awkward too, so we really *do* have a unifying force in the community. Who knew?

The semester is winding down, and as we all know that means two things
1. paper writing
2. cookies

Not having spent all that much time in the ol' apartment lately, the cookie baking has been on hold, a tragedy which I intend to remedy shortly, now that we have groceries again for the first time since Thanksgiving (yes, we're that lazy).

Fun weekends, fun weeknights, what in the world is my life coming to? Maybe I should be a little more concerned with my work... then again, maybe not.

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